

The unparalleled near-infrared capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allow us to study distant galaxies in remarkable detail. This has ushered in a new era of galaxy evolution studies. With new knowledge of the properties of the stars, gas and dust that make up these early galaxies, we can now start to gain insights into the physical processes driving the assembly of the earliest galaxies, and how they evolve into their lower redshift descendants.

This conference will be an opportunity to highlight recent observational and theoretical results shedding new light on the detailed properties of the stellar populations and interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies through the early phases of cosmic history. It will also serve as a forum for discussing how new JWST results are transforming our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies from early times through to the present day.

Scientific Focus

  • Nature of stellar populations in distant galaxies

  • Properties of the interstellar medium across redshifts

  • Chemical enrichment and build-up of dust across cosmic time

  • Spatially resolved studies of galaxies and their environments

  • Impact of galaxies on cosmic reionization

  • How can simulations and theory help interpret the latest observations

  • Feedback and regulating galaxy growth

  • The growth of supermassive black holes in the early Universe

Confirmed invited speakers

Danielle Berg (UT Austin)
Stefano Carniani (SNS Pisa)
Mirko Curti (ESO Garching)
Ryan Endsley (UT Austin)
Anna de Graaff (MPIA Heidelberg)
Matthew Hayes (Stockholm University)
Harley Katz (U Chicago)
Charlotte Mason (DAWN Copenhagen)
Irene Shivaei (CAB Madrid)

Important dates

Abstract submission closed: 20 December 2024
Program announced: early-February 2025
Registration closes: 1 March 2025

Meeting: 7-11 April 2025


Rebecca Bowler (Manchester)
Andy Bunker (Oxford, co-chair)
Alex Cameron (Oxford, co-chair)
Emma Curtis-Lake (Hertfordshire)
Richard Ellis (UCL)
Laura Pentericci (INAF-Rome)
Aayush Saxena (Oxford, co-chair)
Stephen Wilkins (Sussex)


Kit Boyett
Andy Bunker
Alex Cameron
Leanne O’Donnell
Gareth Jones
Aayush Saxena


For queries, please get in touch with us at firstgalaxies@physics.ox.ac.uk!


The conference will be held in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford, which is centrally located. Oxford is a historic city with stunning architecture and many attractions, and is within easy access of London and Heathrow airport. We intend to have a free afternoon on Wednesday, and the meeting will end early on Friday afternoon.


Oxford is always busy, so it is strongly recommended to book your accommodation before you travel and as early as possible.

You can sample Oxford life by staying in one of the colleges (rooms found on University rooms link below), or there are hotels and B&Bs.

We have secured a block-booking of a few bedrooms for the conference at Worcester College in Oxford. The expected cost would be £124 per night including breakfast. These are single rooms with an ensuite bathroom, and are a 10 minute walk from the conference. If you are interested in this option, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to firstgalaxies@physics.ox.ac.uk. We have only reserved a few rooms and these will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Below are some other accommodation suggestions;

  • University college accommodation can be booked through University Rooms. This availability is always changing however it should be noted these rooms are generally not available during term time.
  • Local hotels vary in prices due to their city centre location but some local budget hotel options which are walkable to the Department are below:
    Linton Lodge Hotel
    Galaxie Hotel Oxford
    Premier Inn - Westgate
    Easy Hotel Summertown
  • There are some very close hotels but these can be quite expensive:
    The Randolph Hotel
    The Old Parsonage

For most hotel bookings we recommend Booking.com or there are plenty of options on Airbnb.